Happy Father’s Day to all the special men in our lives- dads, granddad’s, uncles, brothers, cousins, post man, neighbours… we hope you have a lovely day 💙
This week we have been very busy getting ready for today! We have created medals, made flip cards, decorated a tie with mixed medias and wrote down all the special people in our lives!!
This afternoon at Fusion we created modes of transports and road signs out of junk modelling! Well done to the flying safety car (maybe something we will see in the future) and the traffic lights were brilliant! Fantastic team work and great imagination 👍🏽
Happy Father’s Day to all the special men in our lives- dads, granddad’s, uncles, brothers, cousins, post man, neighbours… we hope you have a lovely day 💙
This week at Fusion we have created our own Newspaper reports and used adjectives to describe our special person and made up funny stories about them!
This afternoon at Fusion we created modes of transports and road signs out of junk modelling! Well done to the flying safety car (maybe something we will see in the future) and the traffic lights were brilliant! Fantastic team work and great imagination 👍🏽
Happy Father’s Day to all the special men in our lives- dads, granddad’s, uncles, brothers, cousins, post man, neighbours… we hope you have a lovely day 💙
This week we have made our own acrostic poems up and designed and created medals for Father’s Day!!
This afternoon at Fusion we created modes of transports and road signs out of junk modelling! Well done to the flying safety car (maybe something we will see in the future) and the traffic lights were brilliant! Fantastic team work and great imagination 👍🏽
Happy Father’s Day to all the special men in our lives- dads, granddad’s, uncles, brothers, cousins, post man, neighbours… we hope you have a lovely day 💙
This week we have created awards for our loved ones and decorated funky tshirts!!
This afternoon at Fusion we created modes of transports and road signs out of junk modelling! Well done to the flying safety car (maybe something we will see in the future) and the traffic lights were brilliant! Fantastic team work and great imagination 👍🏽
Child Safety Week 2018-
Junk modelling – Road Safety🚦
This afternoon at Fusion we created modes of transports and road signs out of junk modelling! Well done to the flying safety car (maybe something we will see in the future) and the traffic lights were brilliant! Fantastic team work and great imagination 👍🏽
Child Safety Week 2018-
Junk modelling – Road Safety🚦
This afternoon at Fusion we created modes of transports and road signs out of junk modelling! Well done to the flying safety car (maybe something we will see in the future) and the traffic lights were brilliant! Fantastic team work and great imagination 👍🏽
Busy week making Easter crafts and doing Easter related games and activities.
Cooking, craft: sewing, making, bunny hunt (man hunt but with bunnies), other Easter games, treasure hunts and lots more still to come next week. 🐥
Emerald came in and did a drama session with us. She taught us about how different countries celebrate Easter. Here are some of our mimes. 🐣
🇨🇮Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone. Here is a look at the activities we have been up too as well as lots of games!
Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all the lovely and special ladies in our lives, whether you are our mother, aunt, sister, grandma, cousin, neighbour, friend we thank you for everything you do for us.
This week we have been super busy: made chocolate truffles, peppermint creams, planted flowers, made poems, cards, books Karla, dogs, wrapping paper and lots more.
Put your feet up and enjoy today as it’s all about you! 💜
Chinese New Year – 30/01/18
We are celebrating Chinese New Year this week. Today we have played Chinese whispers and other Chinese related games, did a Chinese quiz about a Chinese story, made envelopes, wrote messages using Chinese writing and then decoded them, made Chinese picture frames, made a Chinese bird- we have been busy! Debee made us a tasty Chinese stir fry with prawn crackers, soy and sweet chilli sauce!
The children liked it so much we didn’t manage to get any photos! 🇨🇳
World Religion Day – 18/01/18
We were very lucky today, we learnt all about Sikhism as part of World Religion Day. Jasmine’s dad very kindly gave up his time to come and talk to us. We got to see his Kara (bracelet), we also tried on headscarves and got to ask lots of questions. We even got to try some Karah Prashad which is a sweet that is given to anyone who visits the Gurdwara. Thank you so much!
Anti-bullying week 13/11/17-17/11/17
We spoke about what bullying means and what it looks like and the different types of bullying. We created some posters, made a poem, thought about similarities and differences, did a cut and stick activity and we were all demonstrating what it is like to be a good friend.
Mental Health Awareness Day – 10/10/17
Today is Mental Health Awareness Day and we are raising awareness for this at Fusion.
This morning at breakfast club, the Infants wrote down different methods to help us calm down if we are upset or cross and shared these strategies as a group. We also wrote down 5 things we are good at!
Mental Health Awareness Day – 10/10/17
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about”- Mental Health Awareness Day 2017
Today is Mental Health Awareness Day.
At breakfast club the Juniors wrote down any worries they had and put it on the brain. As a group we sat down and discussed ways to overcome the worry and different strategies to help us. #youngminds #helloyellow
Sukkot – 04/10/17
Today we celebrated Sukkot which is a Jewish celebration of thanksgiving and harvest.
This morning at breakfast club we played a game using all the things that Sukkah’s are made from.
Etrod-fruit of the citron tree
Lulav- palm frond
Aravah-leaves from the willow tree
We also made Sukkot paper chains to decorate our huts (sukkah). We also watched a lego explanation of Sukkot so now we know all about the celebration!
”Chag Sameach’ – Happy Sukkot!!
Sukkot – 04/10/17
Today we celebrated Sukkot which is a Jewish celebration of thanksgiving and harvest.
We created huts called Sukkah’s out of lego. We used lego for the walls and natural resources for the food. All the children worked really well in teams to create the best structure and we had some fantastic huts!
We learnt that during this celebration, Jewish people eat in the Sukkah for 8 days so they needed to be big and comfortable!
”Chag Sameach’ – Happy Sukkot!
Rosh Hashannah – 20/09/17-22/09/17
This week at Fusion we have been celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. We watched (and danced) to a fantastic One Direction video on YouTube which explained what the celebration was! Have a listen as it’s very educational and fun!☪
Rosh Hashannah 20/09/27-22/09/17
This week at Fusion we have been celebrating the Jewish New Year- Rosh Hashanah. ☪
The children learnt a lot about the celebration at Fusion and completed word searches and cross words. We spoke about what we have done that has been good this year and our accomplishments and what we could do better as we reflect on the new year to make things better! Excellent work guys