Meadway has had a fantastic start to the year, they have shown great enthusiasm in the Lego competition that promoted British Values and came second in the dodge ball competition. Keep up the great work Meadway!!!
- Team Work
- Enthusiasm
- Commitment
Cranbourne have been flying with the house points this term. Winners of Paddington junk modelling red bus competition and runners up of the rounders tournament. Well done Cranbourne, what an artistic lot you are!!!
- Artistic
- Energetic
- Imaginative
What a sporty house Aldwick is!! This term they have won blind football competition, Alice in Wonderland treasure hunt and did brilliantly at There was an old lady treasure hunt!
- Teamwork
- Co-Operative
- Sporty
Sherwood have has a fantastic term for house points. Well done for all your brilliant efforts. Some of the children from Sherwood have created some excellent bunting and made a super yummy biscuits for St Andrews Day! Keep going Sherwood!!!
- Confident
- Thoughtful
- Helpful