I am looking for a Preschool for my child and yours has been recommended. What do I do now?
Come and meet us! You are always welcome to knock on the door but we suggest that you give Rebecca Wilkins (07908 121 891) a call and arrange a time to come along to see a session in action. We also recommend that you place your child’s name on our waiting list as we have a limited number of places and our sessions are generally full a year in advance. |
What are the ages of the children?
Children can join us once they are two and continue with us until they move on to nursery ( age 3 to 3.5). |
How much does it cost?
The fee for the core session is £27
Lunch club is an additional charge of £8 However, some children qualify for funded places, so please speak to us in confidence about funding. We do accept employers’ child care vouchers. |
How do you structure the sessions?
Our core sessions run between 9.10am and 12.10am with an optional lunch club continuing until 1.10pm.
Upon arrival we all meet on the carpet to say “hello,” and share any exciting news or items for show and tell. In broad terms the morning divides into two parts separated by a whole group singing session. In the first half the main focus is on “choosing” from a balanced selection of toys and activities. The second half of the session may be spent playing on cars and bikes, participating in traditional circle games or investigating a fresh selection of toys and skills. The best way to gain a sense of what we do is to look at the pages from the photo journal displayed on the website. |
Tell me about Lunch Club
Lunch club is open to all the children who attend preschool (there is an additional charge). Children bring their own packed lunch and enjoy sitting at the table to eat with friends and staff. |
Which days are you open?
The Preschool is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays during school term time.
How often do children visit the Woods?
We visit the woods every Tuesday morning for the session, we do also go out on lots of walks/trips throughout the week too. |
Is there parking?
We ask that you walk where possible but there is a small car park in St Johns Church and road parking. Please be sensible when driving. |
What are the teacher to child ratios for each room?
The teacher to child ratio is determined by a child’s age. The ratio for 2 year olds in the setting is 1 adult to 4 children. The ratio for 3 & 4 year olds in the setting is 1 adult to 8 children.
When should I sign my child up for lunch club?
A child can start lunch club as soon as they are settled into the preschool. We believe that it is a great way for them to work on their social and communication skills.
Do you provide lunch for my child during lunch club?
We do not provide lunch for the children during lunch club, we ask that they bring in a named lunchbox and water bottle for these sessions. Click here for guidance on what to include for your child’s lunch.
Do I have to provide my child with a snack each day?
No – Pre-School provide a nutritious snack daily along with Milk and Water.
The Snack Table is valuable part of the Preschool experience. The opportunity to sit with a group of friends and a supportive adult to chat and enjoy a healthy snack and drink is a really positive one and we often find that children are willing to try new foods. |
How many sessions should I initially sign my child up for?
Feel free to discuss with us your child’s individual needs and any preferences you may have. However, our experience suggests that, in most cases, a minimum of two days is the best way to start. We aim to offer all children who attend the preschool morning in the term before they move on to nursery. |
Does my child have to be toilet trained when they start?
Toilet Training
Your child does not need to be toilet trained to start at Preschool. Once they are ready to embark on toilet training, we will support you in any way we can. |
Do you accept childcare vouchers?
Yes, we do accept childcare vouchers. Please contact Miss Wilkins for the relevant code when setting up this scheme with your employer.
How much time will my child spend in the garden each session?
How much time that your child spends in the garden will be their own choice, the door is open throughout the session when they aren’t participating in a group activity. Nursery children all go out together for the second half of the morning.
Tell me about your settling in process
Every child is different and joins us with a different experience so we feel it is very important to be as flexible and sensitive to their needs as possible.
We will offer you the opportunity to come and “play” at Preschool with a small group of new starters and their parents or carers. This is an opportunity to meet your child’s Key Worker and discuss any concerns you may have. We also ask you to complete a comprehensive registration pack that includes questions about your child’s like, dislikes and interests. The process is, however, dynamic and will evolve through the partnership between parents, carers and the Key worker. |
What is a Key worker?
The Key worker is the named member of staff who will take the lead in ensuring that your child has a positive, playful and enriching experience at Preschool. The relationship between your child and their Key worker will be the foundation from which they engage with activities and explore the room. Your child will also develop relationships with the other members of staff who will report back to their Key Worker when appropriate, |
How will I know what my child does at Preschool?
We display daily notices outside the room with a brief summary of the day’s highlights – this can be helpful when you come to chat to your child about their day!
We also produce a weekly entry in our photo journal. A hard copy of the photo journal is available in the reception area outside the room and is also uploaded to the website. Key Workers also maintain a “Learning journey” for each child, recording examples of their experiences at Preschool: “wow!” moments but also reflections on the way they play, their interests and aspects of their development. |
Do I need to bring anything?
We ask that anything you do bring is clearly labelled – PLEASE!
Please bring a bag containing a change of clothes and, if appropriate, nappies/nappy sacks/wipes. In summer, a sunhat and sun cream are recommended. In winter, an extra layer of clothing.
We encourage children to bring an item for “show and tell” ideally this would be linked to the topic or colour but anything that helps your child settle and participate is welcome.
If your child attends lunch club – remember their lunch in a named bag. |
How do you incorporate my child’s religious celebrations into your planning?
Upon starting at the Preschool, parents are asked to fill in a booklet about their child including any religious holidays that your family celebrate. We constantly update our calendar to include these celebrations and incorporate them into weekly planning. |
Do you run any special events during the year?
The children take part in three events per academic year that the parents are invited to come along to. At the end of the Autumn term, the children take part in a Christmas Carol service. Similarly, the children take part in an Easter singalong service at the end of the Spring term. At the end of the Summer term, parents are invited to watch the children take part in a ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’ to say our final goodbyes to the children leaving us.
Are you able to administer medication throughout the day?
We are only able to administer medication with written consent from the child’s parent/ carer. You will be asked to fill out a form stating the dosage and time that the medication should be administered. Two members of staff will always be present when giving a child medication and the procedure will be recorded.
Will you let me know if my child becomes ill during the session?
If your child suddenly becomes ill during the session and needs to go home, we will use the contact details that you provide when your child starts with us. For this reason, it is important to update us with any changes to these details as soon as possible.
Do you offer books for my child to take home?
The preschool has a library system that enables children to take home various books when they please. We ask that you sign the book out when borrowing a book and sign it back in when you return it. This is all in the foyer of Pre-School |
How do you measure my child’s progress?
Each key person monitors a child’s progress and development through observations and the EYFS statements for each age category. |
Do you have any social media pages?
You can Keep up to date with our Facebook Page – Fusion Pre-School. This is an open Facebook Page and parents have given consent for their children to be on social media. |