This week we have been speaking about rules and responsibilities at Fusion to keep us safe.
The reception children told us we have to wear hi vis to stay safe and so the adults can see us.
All children and remembering to take their name tag outside with them and put them in the sand pot! … See more
Letter A activity- apples! 🍏
Today at fusion we did a bit of an experiment. We had 2 apples that looked the same, the children described them ‘red,shiny, round’
One group of children said horrible things to the apple ‘you’re ugly’ ‘you taste disgusting’ and one group praised another apple ‘you look delicious’ ‘you are so colourful and yummy’
The apples still looked the same on the outside but when we cut into them the apple that the children were kind to was clean white and the one they were cruel to was bruised and mushy.
Moral of the activity- when we say mean things to someone it might not show on the outside but they might be damaged and hurt on the inside!