Click Here to see our Ofsted Report 2019
As you know, Fusion had our routinely Ofsted Inspection on 4th December 2019. As you may or may not know, Ofsted changed their Early Years Inspection framework Judgement (EIF) in September 2019 for out of schools provisions and Fusion falls in to this category.
One of the main changes was the grading terminology. The gradings previously were Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement/Inadequate. Now, the judgements have been rebranded as Met or Not Met with Action. Therefore all out of schools provisions will now be inspected under this framework and will be using this terminology.
We are pleased to inform you that Fusion Childcare Services received ‘Met’ in our December 2019 inspection.
As you can see from our report attached, Katrina found “The owner and manager have high expectations of staff and children. They fully involve staff in helping to evaluate the quality of care and attention. Staff enhance their knowledge and understanding through regular training. This contributes to continual improvements made at Fusion.” Therefore, our practice continues to remain to be the highest quality we can provide.
The report also states “Staff encourage children to feel valued at Fusion. They give children opportunities to vote for their preferences and to make choices for themselves. This helps them learn about democracy and fairness. Children are motivated to gain house points for their allocated house. They record the number of points they have on a chart and are proud of their achievements.”
We hope you enjoy reading the report as we are very proud of the Fusion team and your fabulous children. Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions please let us know.